
From WeatherWiki
Current cloud cover based on the solar sensor
Sunshine hours from the solar sensor to date this month
Sunshine hours from the solar sensor to date this year
Sunshine hours from the solar sensor today
Yesterday sunshine hours
Solar energy number (W/M2)
UV number
Evapotranspiration (daily)
Evapotranspiration (month to date)
Daily high solar (for Davis VP and Grow stations)
Daily low solar (for Davis VP and Grow stations)
Daily high UV (for Davis VP stations)
Daily low UV (for Davis VP stations)
Current solar percent for stations with a temperature solar sensor (like the dallas 1 wire)
The current evapotranspiration rate calculated by WD every minute
The final reading at midnight of WD's ET
The final reading at midnight of Davis ET
ET total for the last 7 days
Total rain last 7 days
Current solar reading from a Davis Grow station
Total hours/minutes of possible daylight for today
Yesterdays' reading (updated at 11:46pm)
Time that the daily high solar occurred
Time that the daily low solar occurred
Time that the daily high UV occurred
Time that the daily low UV occurred
Yesterday's high solar
Time of yesterday's high solar
Yesterday's high UV
Time of yesterday's high UV
Max solar expected for the time of day
Sunshine hours in the last immediate full hour
Sunshine hours last 10 minutes (fraction of hour)
Time (minutes) to burn (normal skin) at the current UV rate, from the Davis VP with UV sensor
Current Davis THSW index (temperature/humidity/solar/wind) You need a solar sensor, and have the solar setup
High THSW today
Low THSW today