
From WeatherWiki


average wind speed (current)
current average wind speed, no dec place
current average wind speed, no dec place, mph always
current/gust wind speed
current/gust wind speed, no dec place
current/gust wind speed, no dec place, mph always
wind direction (degrees)
wind direction (NNE etc)
wind direction (NNE etc), Dutch
Wind direction in words
Wind direction in words, Dutch
today's maximum wind speed
today's maximum wind speed, no dec place
" " " ", with words, i.e. westerly (i.e. for telephone)
Max Gust direction, i.e. W
Max Average direction, i.e. W
time this occurred
maximum average wind speed
time this occurred
maximum gust last hour
time this occurred
Maximum gust for the last prior 1 hour period
%maxgustlastimediatehourtime:% time that the max gust last prior 1 hour occurred
%maxgustlastimediatehourdir:% Direction from Max gust last prior 1 hour period
%maxgustlastimediatehourdirword:% Direction from Max gust last prior 1 hour period, in words
Maximum gust for the last immediate 10 minute period
Maximum gust for the last 10 to 15 minutes
Maximum gust for the last 15 to 30 minutes
Maximum gust for the last 30 to 60 minutes
Maximum gust for the last 60 to 120 minutes
Average wind for the last immediate 10 minute period
Average wind for the last 10 to 15 minutes
Average wind for the last 15 to 30 minutes
Average wind for the last 30 to 60 minutes
Average wind for the last 60 to 120 minutes
Average dir wind for the last immediate 10 minute period
Average dir wind for the 10 to 15 minutes
Average dir wind for the 15 to 30 minutes
Average dir wind for the 30 to 60 minutes
Average dir wind for the 60 to 120 minutes
average ten minute wind direction (degrees)
average ten minute wind speed
maximum gust in the last minute
maximum 1 minute average wind speed (since the reset time)
current average wind speed always in knots
current gust speed always in knots
current average wind speed always in kmh
current gust speed always in kmh
Beaufort wind force number
Current Beaufort wind speed
Today's maximum gust in knots
Maximum gust last hour in knots
Average 10 minute speed in knots
Average 10 minute speed in kmh
Maximum daily average speed in kts
Maximum gust imeediate last hour in kts
Maximum gust last minute in kts
Maximum 1 mintue average speed in kts last 12 hours
Maximum daily gust in kts
Create your own windspeed dial (will replace this with avwindpoint1 for 1 kt speed, etc
Create your own windspeed dial (will replace this with gustwindpoint1 for 1 kt speed, etc
10 minute average speed, in bft number
Average wind in mph always
Gust wind in mph always
Current average 10 minute wind direction label (ie NNE)
Current average 10 minute windspeed in m/s
Highest average 10 minute windspeed in the last 12 hours (in the units you have selected)
Highest average 10 minute windspeed in the last 12 hours, m/s
Highest average 10 minute windspeed in the last 12 hours, knots
Highest average 10 minute windspeed in the last 12 hours, kmh
Today's maximum gust in m/s
Maximum gust last hour in m/s
Average 10 minute speed in m/s
Maximum daily average speed in m/s
Maximum gust immediate last hour in m/s
Maximum gust last minute in m/s
Today's maximum gust in kmh
Maximum 1 mintue average speed in kts last 12 hours
Maximum daily gust in m/s
Maximum daily gust in mph
Wind run to date this month
Wind run to date this year
Wind run today
Beaufort scale in text (i.e. Fresh Breeze)
Beaufort scale in text (i.e. Fresh Breeze), based on 10 minute average
Last 24 hours average direction
Last 24 hours average direction in words
Average direction so far for today (from midnight)
Average direction in words for today (from midnight)


Yesterday's max gust speed
Yesterday's max gust speed, no direction
Time of yesterday's max gust speed
Yesterday's max average speed
Yesterday's max average speed, no direction
Time of yesterday's max average speed