WD General questions

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General Questions

Is there error logging for Weather Display?

Yes. Error logs for Weather Display are useful when troubleshooting problems.

  • Click View, then in the Logs section, click Program Event Log.

Logs are also available for FTP and data downloading. Click FTP Log or Data Log File.

What happens if I shut my computer off during part of the day?

All of the graphs will be added on to according to time. The high and low data will also still be there.

I'm a beginner with HTML and want to learn how to create custom weather webpages

To get started with HTML coding, take a look at Creating a Weather Web Page.

What is the "Input daily weather" dialog box for?

This serves as a weather log that will be put onto your extreme/average page. It also allows you to select the current weather icon. And finally, you can enter snowfall data there.

What is the "Daily fire index/data" for?

That is an index for how easily fires can be started.

Why does Weather Display crash when starting?

This is most commonly caused by corrupted real time graph data files. Delete the graphdata.inf (and graphdata2.inf, etc.) files from the folder data files. Try starting Weather Display again.

How do I correct All Time Records?

If your All Time Records includes erroneous data such as a data spike, you can manually correct the values if you know them.

  1. Click View to open the View Panel.
  2. In the Averages/Extremes/Records section, click All Time Records.
  3. Click Set values.
  4. There are two pages of weather data values. Find the page with the record you want to correct, and then click the radio button at the top of the window for either Year to date, Month to date, or All time to date' (the value you're updating could affect all three).
  5. Enter the hour, minute, day, month, and year and then enter the value in the text box to the right of Set.
  6. Click Set.
  7. Repeat steps 4-6, changing the radio button at the top before you enter data.
  8. When you've finished updated data, view the changes by clicking View changes.
  9. You must click OK on the #1 page or #2 page tabs to save the changes.

If you don't know the previous record values, you should be able to find them in the recordsset.txt file which is saved in the root directory of Weather Display, for example c:\Program Files (x86)\wdisplay. This file can be opened with Notepad, Microsoft Word, etc. The file might be large so it could take a while to open.

Note The changes won't be reflected on your website until the next upload. All Time Records typically are updated once an hour.

How do I make a printout of the Weather Display main window

  • On the Action menu, click Print This page.

How do I fix the "Read beyond end of file" error?

  1. Exit Weather Display.
  2. In the folder datafiles, delete the following files:
    • latest.inf
    • latestindoor.inf
    • latesttime.inf
    • graphdata.inf
    • graphdata2.inf
    • direction.inf
    • direction2.inf
  3. Restart Weather Display.

How do I export data from WeatherLink to Weather Display?

WeatherLink can create a file called download.txt located in your station folder.

  1. Assuming that you have the datalogger attached and have installed the Weatherlink software, make sure that Weather Display isn't running, then start WeatherLink.
  2. Download the weather station into the Weatherlink software.
  3. Exit WeatherLink.
  4. Start Weather Display, then go to import logs and open the WeatherLink station folder (that is the folder you set up for the Davis software).
  5. Click Import from Davis, click the wl5.2 option, find the folder, and then click Convert.

It depends on the WeatherLink version and what extra sensors you have logged in the download.txt file, so no guarantees it will work.

Of course, you should not click on the Weather Display to clear the archive after download. That is why you can't find or don't have any data remaining in the logger. You have data on the console though.

If you have Weather Display running, with it recognizing the VP and all the options checked to download to Davis WeatherLink area and have it imported on program start up to the Weather Display directly. Again , I wouldn't click to have archive cleared.

There are several reasons for not clearing the archive. First, the weather logger will overwrite any old data first leaving the most recent. Second, if for some reason you didn't get a complete upload, or deleted a folder, file, etc., the data logger will re-load onto the computer what didn't. This way you don't lose data.

Why are my weather report emails appearing on all one line (jumbled together)?

  • Clear the Use HTML check box in the weather report/email setup (Control Panel, FTP/Internet setup).

Where are heating degree or cooling degree days calculated?

  1. This data appears on the NOAA report (dailynoaareport.htm). Also, click View and then in the Averages/Extremes/Records section, click Averages/Extremes Noaa Style Reports.
  2. On the Noaa Style Reports tab, values are calculated daily and a separate column for each value appears with a monthly total at the bottom. A calendar control at the bottom of the window enables selection of past months.

Where do the wind chill and dew point numbers originate?

Weather Display calculates the values for wind chill and dew points. Even if your weather station generates these values, Weather Display uses its own calculated values.

The wind chill is calculated from the outside temperature and wind speed. The dew point is calculated from the temperature and humidity readings.

Why is no data appearing on the main display window?

This is commonly caused by either the wrong weather station being selected or the wrong COM port that is connected to your data logger/dongle.

  • Click Control Panel, then in the Station Settings section, click Station Type & Settings.

Verify that you have selected the correct weather station equipment. Also, in the Com Port Number section, make sure the correct COM port is selected. If you're unsure which COM port to select, you can select a different one, then click Close/Save and see if data begins appearing. The most common COM ports on a Windows computer is COM 1-4.

What is the "Remove wind speed spikes" option under graph setup options?

That would be for the WM-918 users, that station some times produced winds that were of biblical proportions, this problem is not caused by Weather Display. The use of an optoisolator on the windspeed cable or rain cable fixes that.

Why are vertical lines appearing on the real time graph?

Adjust the minimum temperature offset lower (bottom right-hand corner). The default is -20oC.

Why is the LED blinking on the main Weather Display page?

Try clicking on the blinking LED indicator or go to View > All time records to date. There you will see another blinking LED with a label, or you might end up on the weather warning setup page and there will be a blinking LED indicator there, too (if a weather warning has been sent).

The "Alarm" is flashing. What do I do now?

When a warning threshold is reached, the LED next to the COM port status will flash. Click the flashing red LED, and then click Reset Alarm LEDs. Reset the alarm threshold(s) if you like. Click OK.

How do I manually enter weather observations?

Click on "Input daily weather" in the menu bar. You can select the icon to show on the web page monthly data. Click update for first time to create the icons You can enter text - treat like a weather diary - this will be in weather emails as well, but not on the main screen. You can also enter snow fall observations here.

Why do my graphs show spikes and when the mouse rolls over the spikes, abnormal readings appear?

This appears most often with the dew point or windchill graph lines. The problem is display-only issue due to an out of range graphing error. The actual data is not affected.

The solution is to extend the graphing range. Either use the lift/lower buttons in the Setup, Graph Setup, or in the Graph Setup, change the graph ranges to prevent the spikes.