Replacing WD's weather icons
From Weather-Watch Wiki
Replacing WD's weather icons
Using your own icons
WD will use the icons named here to replace it's built-in defaults;
- Create a folder called myicons, as a subdirectory for where Weather Display is (i.e c:\wdisplay\myicons\sunny.gif )
- Create (or otherwise obtain) a set of icons in this directory and name them as follows:
- cloudynight.gif
- clearnight.gif
- mainlyfine.gif
- nightrain.gif
- nightsnow.gif
- nightovercast.gif
- nightheavyrain.gif
- sunny.gif
- rain.gif
- overcast.gif
- partlycloudy.gif
- fog.gif
- lightrain.gif
- heavyrain.gif
- snow.gif
- snowshowers.gif
- sleetshowers.gif
- sleet.gif
- windy.gif
- snowshowers2.gif (snow showers)
- thundershowers.gif
- thundershowers2.gif
- thunderstorms.gif
- showers2.gif (showers and fine intervals)
- rain2.gif (rain)
- cloudy2.gif (cloudy)
- partlycoudy.gif (cloudy periods)