From Weather-Watch Wiki
%monthtodateavtemp% - Average temperature so far for the month %monthtodateavtempcelsius% - Average temperature so far for the month, celsius always %monthtodateavhum% - Average humidity so far for the month %monthtodateavdp% - Average dew point so far for the month %monthtodateavdpcelsius% - Average dew point so far for the month, celsius always %monthtodateavbaro% - Average barometer so far for the month %monthtodateavbaromb% - Average barometer so far for the month, mb (hPa) always %monthtodateavspeed% - Average windspeed so far for the month %monthtodateavspeedkts% - Average windspeed so far for the month, knots always %monthtodateavspeedms% - Average windspeed so far for the month, m/s always %monthtodateavspeedkmh% - Average windspeed so far for the month, kmh always %monthtodateavgust% - Average gustspeed so far for the month %monthtodateavgustkts% - Average gustspeed so far for the month, knots always %monthtodateavgustms% - Average gustspeed so far for the month, m/s always %monthtodateavgustkmh% - Average gustspeed so far for the month, kmh always %monthtodateavdir% - Average direction so far for the month %monthtodateavdirword% - Average direction so far for the month, in words %monthtodatemaxgustdirword% - Max gust direction in words %monthtodatemaxgustdirdeg% - Max gust direction in Degrees %monthtodatemaxtemp% - Maximum temperature so far for the month %monthtodatemaxtempcelsius% - Maximum temperature so far for the month, celsius always %monthtodatemintemp% - Minimum temperature so far for the month %monthtodatemintempcelsius% - Minimum temperature so far for the month, celsius always %monthtodatemaxhum% - Maximum humidity so far for the month %monthtodateminhum% - Minimum humidity so far for the month %monthtodatemaxdp% - Maximum dew point so far for the month %monthtodatemaxdpcelsius% - Maximum dew point so far for the month, celsius always %monthtodatemindp% - Minimum dew point so far for the month %monthtodatemindpcelsius% - Minimum dew point so far for the month, celsius always %monthtodatemaxbaro% - Maximum barometer so far for the month %monthtodatemaxbaromb% - Maximum barometer so far for the month, mb (hpa) always %monthtodateminbaro% - Minimum barometer so far for the month %monthtodateminbaromb% - Minimum barometer so far for the month, mb (hpa) always %monthtodatemaxwind% - Maximum av speed so far for the month %monthtodatemaxwindms% - Maximum av speed so far for the month, m/s always %monthtodatemaxwindkts% - Maximum av speed so far for the month, knots always %monthtodatemaxwindkmh% - Maximum av speed so far for the month, kmh always %monthtodatemaxgust% - Maximum max gust so far for the month %monthtodatemaxgustms% - Maximum max gust so far for the month, m/s aways %monthtodatemaxgustkts% - Maximum max gust so far for the month, knots aways %monthtodatemaxgustkmh% - Maximum max gust so far for the month, kmh aways %last24houravtemp% - Average temperature last 24 hours %houraveragetemp% - Average temperature for the hour (put the hour number immediately after this tag, and then the month and year numbers, e.g. :%houraveragetemp:%08032003 for the average temperature for 8am (use a 24 hour clock) (hour preceding that, for the month of March 2003)) %houraveragehum% - Same thing, but for humidity %last24houravbaro% - Average barometer last 24 hours %last24houravhum% - Average humidity last 24 hours %tempfortimedate% - Actual temperature for the hour (put the hour number immediatly after this tag,and then the month and then the year numbers %daysTmax<0C% - Days where the maximum temperature did not go over 0oC (current month) %daysTmax>30C% - Days where the maximum temperature went over 30°C %daysTmax>25C% - Days where the maximum temperature went over 25°C %daysTmin<0C% - Days where the minimum temperature went below 0°C %daysTmin<-15C% - Days where the minimum temperature went below -15°C %daysTmax>40C% - Days where the maximum temperature went over 40°C %daysTmaxyear<0C% - Days where the maximum temperature did not go over 0°C (current month) ****year to date %daysTmaxyear>30C% - Days where the maximum temperature went over 30°C %daysTmaxyear>25C% - Days where the maximum temperature went over 25°C %daysTminyear<0C% - Days where the minimum temperature went below 0°C %daysTminyear<-15C% - Days where the minimum temperature went below -15°C %daysTmaxyear>40C% - Days where the maximum temperature went over 40°C %hddmonth% - Heating degree days month to date %cddmonth% - Cooling degree days month to date %hddday% - Heating degree days ,today %cddday% - Cooling degree days ,today %cddyear% - Cooling degree days year to date (slow) %hddyear% - Heating degree days year to date (slow) %raindifffromav% - Difference between the current month to date rainfall and the average rainfall for the month (total for the current month) %raindifffromavyear% - Difference between the current year to date and the average for the year to date (includes current month as total) (from your entered averages)