Temperature and Humidity
From Weather-Watch Wiki
Temperature and Humidity
%temp% - Temperature %tempnodp% - Temperature, no decimal place %dewnodp% - Dew point, no decimal place %hum% - Humidity %dew% - Dew point %heati% - Current heat index %heatinodp% - Current heat index,no decimal place %maxtemp% - Today's maximum temperature %maxtempnodp% - Today's maximum temperature, no decimal place %maxtempt% - Time this occurred %mintemp% - Today's minimum temperature %mintempnodp% - Today's minimum temperature, no decimal place %mintempt% - Time this occurred %windch% - Current wind-chill %windchnodp% - Current wind-chill, no decimal place %minwindch% - Minimum wind-chill %minwindcht% - Time this occurred %maxwindchill% - Maximum wind-chill %maxwindchillt% - Time this occurred %highhum% - High humidity %highhumt% - Time this occurred %lowhum% - Low humidity %lowhumt% - Time this occurred %indoortemp% - Indoor temperature %indoorhum% - Indoor humidity %maxdew% - High dew point %maxdewt% - Time this occurred %mindew% - Low dew point %mindewt% - Time this occurred %maxheat% - High heat index %maxheatt% - Time this occurred %minheat% - Low heat index %minheatt% - Time this occurred %avtempsince6amUSA% - Average temperature since 6 a.m. in °F %avtempsince6am% - Average temperature since 6 p.m. in °C %avtempsince6pmUSA% - Average temperature since 6 p.m. in °F %avtempsince6pm% - Average temperature since 6 p.m. in °C %tempinmetric% - Outdoor temperature always in Metric (even if US units selected) %dewinmetric% - Dew point always in Metric %heatindexinmetric% - Heat index always in Metric %windchillinmetric% - Wind chill always in Metric %maxheatinmetric% - Maximum heat always in Metric %minheatinmetric% - Minimum heat always in Metric %maxhighdewinmetric% - Maximum dew point always in Metric %minlowdewinmetric% - Minimum dew point always in Metric %maxhighchillinmetric% - Maximum high windchill always in Metric %minlowchillinmetric% - Minimum low windchill always in Metric %wetbulb% - Current wet bulb reading %tempinusa% - Temperature in °F %dewinusa% - Dew point temperature in °F %hightempinusa% - Today's high temp in °F %lowtempinusa% - Today's low temp in °F %indoortempinmetric% - Indoor temperature always in °C %dewchangelasthour% - Dew point change last hour %tempchangelasthourmetric% - Temperature change last hour always in Metric %tempchangelasthourfaren% - Temperature change last hour always in Farenheit %wholeroundedtempcelcius% - Temperature rounded to whole number, Celsius %wholeroundedtempfaren% - Temperature rounded to whole number, Farenheit %humchangelasthour% - Humidity change last hour %maxindoortemp% - Maximum indoor temperature %maxindoortempcelsius% - Maximum indoor temperature, Celsius always %minindoortemp% - Minimum indoor temperature %minindoortempcelsius% - Minimum indoor temperature, Celsius always %maxindoortempt% - Time of Maximum indoor temperature %minindoortempt% - Time of Minimum indoor temperature %watertempcelsius% - US Navy water temperature, Celsius %watertempfaren% - US Navy water temperature, Farenheit %visibility% - US Navy visibility reading (miles) %soiltemp% - Current soil temperature %apparenttemp% - Apparent temperature %apparentsolartemp% - Apparent temperature in the sun (you need a solar sensor) %apparenttempc% - Apparent temperature, °C %apparentsolartempc% - Apparent temperature in the sun, oC (you need a solar sensor) %apparenttempf% - Apparent temperature, °F %apparentsolartempf% - Apparent temperature in the sun, oF (you need a solar sensor) %extratemp1% - Extra temperature sensor 1 (change through to 8) %indoordewfaren% - Indoor dew point (°F) %indoordewcelsius% - Indoor dew point (°C) %humidexfaren% - Humidex value in °F %humidexcelsius% - Humidex value in °C %maxtemplast24hours% - The maximum temperature in the last immediate 24 hours %mintemplast24hours% - The minimum temperature in the last immediate 24 hours %maxtemplast24hourst% - Time/date of the maximum temperature in the last immediate 24 hours %mintemplast24hourst% - Time/date of the minimum temperature in the last immediate 24 hours %blackglobe% - Black globe temperature from Environdata weather master 2000 station (°C) %THI% - Heat stress calculation (°C) %HLI% - Heat stress load (used with Cattle), gust windspeed used (°C) %HLIavwind% - Heat stress load (used with Cattle), average windspeed used (°C) %THIf% - Heat stress calculation (°F) %HLIf% - Heat stress load (used with Cattle), gust windspeed used (°F) %HLIavwindf% - Heat stress load (used with Cattle), average windspeed used (°F) %maxindoorhum% - Maximum indoor humidity %minindoorhum% - Minimum indoor humidity %dailyhighindoorhumtime% - Time of maximum indoor humidity %dailylowindoorhumtime% - Time of minimum indoor humidity %airdensity% - Current air density, kg/m3 %abshum% - Absolute humidity, kg/m3 %generalextratemp1% - If using non standard extra temperature sensors, but will work for any station %generalextratemp2:% %generalextratemp3:% %generalextratemp4:% %generalextratemp5:% %generalextratemp6:% %generalextratemp7:% %wetbulbdiff% - Difference between the wet bulb temperature and the outdoor temperature %maxsoiltemp% - Maxium daily soil temperature (either you have set a extra temperature sensor as soil or its a VP soil temperature) %maxsoiltemp% - Minimum daily soil temperature %soiltempincelsius% - Soil temperature °C (no matter what units selected in Weather Display) %feelslike% - Shows heat index or humidex or windchill (if less than 16°C) %feelslikedp% - same, but shows it with a decimal place %dailyhitemp12% - High temperature since 6 a.m. to 6 p.m., then resets %dailylotemp12% - Low temperature since 6 a.m. to 6 p.m., then resets %nightlyhitemp12% - High temperature since 6 p.m. to 6 a.m., then resets %nightlylotemp12% - Low temperature since 6 p.m. to 6 a.m., then resets
== Yesterday
%tempchangehour% - Temperature change in the last hour %maxdewyest% - Yesterday's max dew point %maxdewyestt% - Time of yesterday's max dew point %mindewyest% - Yesterday's min dew point %mindewyestt% - Time of yesterday's min dew point %maxhumyestt% - Time of yesterday's max humidity %minhumyest% - Yesterday's min humidity %minhumyestt% - Time of yesterday's min humidity %maxchillyest% - Yesterday's max windchill %maxchillyestt% - Time of yesterday's max windchill %minchillyest% - Yesterday's min windchill %minchillyestt% - Time of yesterday's min windchill %maxheatyest% - Yesterday's max heatindex %maxheatyestt% - Time of yesterday's max heatindex %minheatyest% - Yesterday's min heatindex %minheatyestt% - Time of yesterday's min heatindex %maxtempyest% - Yesterday's max temperature %maxtempyestt% - Time of yesterday's max temperature %mintempyest% - Yesterday's min temperature %mintempyestt% - Time of yesterday's min temperature %maxindoortempyest% - Yesterday's Maximum indoor temperature %minindoortempyest% - Yesterday's Minimum indoor temperature %maxindoortempyestt% - Time of yesterday's Maximum indoor temperature %minindoortempyestt% - Time of yesterday's Minimum indoor temperature