Temperature and Humidity: Difference between revisions

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Revision as of 03:14, 5 January 2006


Temperature, no decimal place
Dew point, no decimal place
Dew point
Current heat index
Current heat index,no decimal place
Today's maximum temperature
Today's maximum temperature, no decimal place
Time this occurred
Today's minimum temperature
Today's minimum temperature, no decimal place
Time this occurred
Current wind-chill
Current wind-chill, no decimal place
Minimum wind-chill
Time this occurred
Maximum wind-chill
Time this occurred
High humidity
Time this occurred
Low humidity
Time this occurred
Indoor temperature
Indoor humidity
High dew point
Time this occurred
Low dew point
Time this occurred
High heat index
Time this occurred
Low heat index
Time this occurred
Average temperature since 6 a.m. in oF
Average temperature since 6 p.m. in oC
Average temperature since 6 p.m. in oF
Average temperature since 6 p.m. in oC
Outdoor temperature always in Metric (even if US units selected)
Dew point always in Metric
Heat index always in Metric
Wind chill always in Metric
Maximum heat always in Metric
Minimum heat always in Metric
Maximum dew point always in Metric
Minimum dew point always in Metric
Maximum high windchill always in Metric
Minimum low windchill always in Metric
Current wet bulb reading
Temperature in oF
Dew point temperature in oF
Today's high temp in oF
Today's low temp in oF
Indoor temperature always in oC
Dew point change last hour
Temperature change last hour always in Metric
Temperature change last hour always in Farenheit
Temperature rounded to whole number, Celsius
Temperature rounded to whole number, Farenheit
Humidity change last hour
Maximum indoor temperature
Maximum indoor temperature, Celsius always
Minimum indoor temperature
Minimum indoor temperature, Celsius always
Time of Maximum indoor temperature
Time of Minimum indoor temperature
US Navy water temperature, Celsius
US Navy water temperature, Farenheit
US Navy visibility reading (miles)
Current soil temperature
Apparent temperature
Apparent temperature in the sun (you need a solar sensor)
Apparent temperature, oC
Apparent temperature in the sun, oC (you need a solar sensor)
Apparent temperature, oF
Apparent temperature in the sun, oF (you need a solar sensor)
Extra temperature sensor 1 (change through to 8)
Indoor dew point (oF)
Indoor dew point (oC)
Humidex value in oF
Humidex value in oC
The maximum temperature in the last immediate 24 hours
The minimum temperature in the last immediate 24 hours
Time/date of the maximum temperature in the last immediate 24 hours
Time/date of the minimum temperature in the last immediate 24 hours
Black globe temperature from Environdata weather master 2000 station (oC)
Heat stress calculation (oC)
Heat stress load (used with Cattle), gust windspeed used (oC)
Heat stress load (used with Cattle), average windspeed used (oC)
Heat stress calculation (oF)
Heat stress load (used with Cattle), gust windspeed used (oF)
Heat stress load (used with Cattle), average windspeed used (oF)
Maximum indoor humidity
Minimum indoor humidity
Time of maximum indoor humidity
Time of minimum indoor humidity
Current air density, kg/m3
Absolute humidity, kg/m3
If using non standard extra temperature sensors, but will work for any station
Difference between the wet bulb temperature and the outdoor temperature
Maxium daily soil temperature (either you have set a extra temperature sensor as soil or its a VP soil temperature)
Minimum daily soil temperature
Soil temperature oC (no matter what units selected in Weather Display)
Shows heat index or humidex or windchill (if less than 16oC)
same, but shows it with a decimal place
High temperature since 6 a.m. to 6 p.m., then resets
Low temperature since 6 a.m. to 6 p.m., then resets
High temperature since 6 p.m. to 6 a.m., then resets
Low temperature since 6 p.m. to 6 a.m., then resets


Temperature change in the last hour
Yesterday's max dew point
Time of yesterday's max dew point
Yesterday's min dew point
Time of yesterday's min dew point
Time of yesterday's max humidity
Yesterday's min humidity
Time of yesterday's min humidity
Yesterday's max windchill
Time of yesterday's max windchill
Yesterday's min windchill
Time of yesterday's min windchill
Yesterday's max heatindex
Time of yesterday's max heatindex
Yesterday's min heatindex
Time of yesterday's min heatindex
Yesterday's max temperature
Time of yesterday's max temperature
Yesterday's min temperature
Time of yesterday's min temperature
Yesterday's Maximum indoor temperature
Yesterday's Minimum indoor temperature
Time of yesterday's Maximum indoor temperature
Time of yesterday's Minimum indoor temperature