
From Weather-Watch Wiki


%Currentsolardescription% - Current cloud cover based on the solar sensor
%sunshinehourstodatemonth% - Sunshine hours from the solar sensor to date this month
%sunshinehourstodateyear% - Sunshine hours from the solar sensor to date this year
%sunshinehourstodateday% - Sunshine hours from the solar sensor today
%sunshineyesterday% - Yesterday sunshine hours
%VPsolar% - Solar energy number (W/M2)
%VPuv% - UV number
%VPet% - Evapotranspiration (daily)
%VPetmonth% - Evapotranspiration (month to date)
%highsolar% - Daily high solar (for Davis VP and Grow stations)
%lowsolar% - Daily low solar (for Davis VP and Grow stations)
%highuv% - Daily high UV (for Davis VP stations)
%lowuv% - Daily low UV (for Davis VP stations)
%currentsolarpercent% - Current solar percent for stations with a temperature solar sensor (like the dallas 1 wire)
%currentwdet% - The current evapotranspiration rate calculated by WD every minute
%yesterdaywdet% - The final reading at midnight of WD's ET
%yesterdaydaviset% - The final reading at midnight of Davis ET
%etcurrentweek% - ET total for the last 7 days
%raincurrentweek% - Total rain last 7 days
%growsolar% - Current solar reading from a Davis Grow station
%hoursofpossibledaylight% - Total hours/minutes of possible daylight for today 
%daylengthyesterday% - Yesterdays' reading (updated at 11:46pm)
%highsolartime% - Time that the daily high solar occured
%lowsolartime% - Time that the daily low solar occured
%highuvtime% - Time that the daily high UV occured
%lowuvtime% - Time that the daily low UV occured
%highsolaryest% - Yesterday's high solar
%highsolaryesttime% - Time of yesterday's high solar
%highuvyest% - Yesterday's high UV
%highuvyesttime% - Time of yesterday's high UV
%maxsolarfortime% - Max solar expected for the time of day
%sunshinehoursinlastwholehour:% - Sunshine hours in the last immediate full hour 
%sunshinehoursinlast10% - Sunshine hours last 10 minutes (fraction of hour)
%burntime% - Time (minutes) to burn (normal skin) at the current UV rate, from the Davis VP with UV sensor
%THSW% - Current Davis THSW index (temperature/humdidity/solar/wind) You need a solar sensor, and have the solar setup
%hiTHSW% - Hi THSW today
%loTHSW% - Lo THSW today