
From Weather-Watch Wiki



%avgspd% - average wind speed (current)
%avnodp% - current average wind speed, no dec place
%avnodpmph% - current average wind speed, no dec place, mph always
%gstspd% - current/gust wind speed
%gustnodp% - current/gust wind speed, no dec place
%gustnodpmph% - current/gust wind speed, no dec place, mph always
%dirdeg% - wind direction (degrees)
%dirlabel% - wind direction (NNE etc)
%dirlabeldutch% - wind direction (NNE etc), Dutch
%winddirinwords% - Wind direction in words
%winddirinwordsdutch% - Wind direction in words, Dutch
%maxgst% - today's maximum wind speed
%maxgstnodp% - today's maximum wind speed, no dec place
%maxgstwords% - " " " ", with words, ie westerly (ie for telephone)
%maxgstdirectionletter% - Max Gust direction, ie W
%maxavgdirectionletter% - Max Averge direction, ie W
%maxgstt% - time this occurred
%maxavgspd% - maximum average wind speed
%maxavgspdt% - time this occurred
%maxgsthr% - maximum gust last hour
%maxgsthrt% - time this occurred
%maxgustlastimediatehour% - Maximum gust for the last prior 1 hour period
%maxgustlastimediatehourtime:% - time that the max gust last prior 1 hour occured
%maxgustlastimediatehourdir:% - Direction from Max gust last prior 1 hour period
%maxgustlastimediatehourdirword:% - Direction from Max gust last prior 1 hour period, in words
%maxgustlastimediate10% - Maximum gust for the last immediate 10 minute period
%maxgustlastimediate15% - Maximum gust for the last 10 to 15 minutes
%maxgustlastimediate30% - Maximum gust for the last 15 to 30 minutes
%maxgustlastimediate60% - Maximum gust for the last 30 to 60 minutes
%maxgustlastimediate120% - Maximum gust for the last 60 to 120 minutes
%avwindlastimediate10% - Average wind for the last immediate 10 minute period
%avwindlastimediate15% - Average wind for the last 10 to 15 minutes
%avwindlastimediate30% - Average wind for the last 15 to 30 minutes
%avwindlastimediate60% - Average wind for the last 30 to 60 minutes
%avwindlastimediate120% - Average wind for the last 60 to 120 minutes
%avdirlastimediate10% - Average dir wind for the last immediate 10 minute period
%avdirlastimediate15% - Average dir wind for the 10 to 15 minutes
%avdirlastimediate30% - Average dir wind for the 15 to 30 minutes
%avdirlastimediate60% - Average dir wind for the 30 to 60 minutes
%avdirlastimediate120% - Average dir wind for the 60 to 120 minutes
%avdir10minute% - average ten minute wind direction (degrees)
%avtenminutewind% - average ten minute wind speed
%1mingustwind% - maximum gust in the last minute
%max1minuteavwind% - maximum 1 minute average wind speed (since the reset time)
%avspeedinmetric% - current average wind speed always in knots
%gustspeedinmetric% - current gust speed always in knots
%avspeedinkmh% - current average wind speed always in kmh
%gustspeedinkmh% - current gust speed always in kmh
%beaufortnum% - Beaufort wind force number
%currbftspeed% - Current Beaufort wind speed
%todaygustspeedinmetric% - Today's maximum gust in knots
%maxgustlasthourinmetric% - Maximum gust last hour in knots
%10minavspeedinmetric% - Average 10 minute speed in knots
%10minavspeedinkmh% - Average 10 minute speed in kmh
%maxavspeedinkts% - Maximum daily average speed in kts
%maxgustlasthourkts% - Maximum gust imeediate last hour in kts
%maxgustlastmininkts% - Maximum gust last minute in kts
%max1minavspeedlast12hrs% - Maximum 1 mintue average speed in kts last 12 hours 
%maxdailygustinkts% - Maximum daily gust in kts
%windgaugepointer% - Create your own windspeed dial (will replace this with avwindpoint1 for 1 kt speed, etc
%gustgaugepointer% - Create your own windspeed dial (will replace this with gustwindpoint1 for 1 kt speed, etc
%10minuteavspeedbft% - 10 minute average speed, in bft number
%windinmph% - Average wind in mph always
%gustinmph% - Gust wind in mph always
%curdir10minutelabel% - Current average 10 minute wind direction label (ie NNE)
%currentavtenminutewindms% - Current average 10 minute windspeed in m/s
%highavtenminutewind% - Highest average 10 minute windspeed in the last 12 hours (in the units you have selected)
%highavtenminutewindms% - Highest average 10 minute windspeed in the last 12 hours, m/s
%highavtenminutewindkts% - Highest average 10 minute windspeed in the last 12 hours,knots
%highavtenminutewindkmh% - Highest average 10 minute windspeed in the last 12 hours,kmh
%todaygustspeedinm/s% - Today's maximum gust in m/s
%maxgustlasthourinm/s% - Maximum gust last hour in m/s
%10minavspeedinm/s% - Average 10 minute speed in m/s
%maxavspeedinm/s% - Maximum daily average speed in m/s
%maxgustlasthourm/s% - Maximum gust immediate last hour in m/s
%maxgustlastmininm/s% - Maximum gust last minute in m/s
%todaygustspeedinkmh% - Today's maximum gust in kmh
%max1minavspeedlast12hrsm/s% - Maximum 1 mintue average speed in kts last 12 hours
%maxdailygustinm/s% - Maximum daily gust in m/s
%maxdailygustinmph% - Maximum daily gust in mph
%windruntodatethismonth% - Wind run to date this month
%windruntodatethisyear% - Wind run to date this year
%windruntoday% - Wind run today
%bftspeedtext% - Beaufort scale in text (ie Fresh Breeze)
%bftspeedtext10% - Beaufort scale in text (ie Fresh Breeze), based on 10 minute average
%last24houravdir% - Last 24 hours average direction
%last24houravdirword% - Last 24 hours average direction in words
%last24houravdirday% - Average direction so far for today (from midnight)
%last24houravdirwordday% - Average direction in words for today (from midnight)


%maxgustyest% - Yesterday's max gust speed
%maxgustyestnodir% - Yesterday's max gust speed, no direction
%maxgustyestt% - Time of yesterday's max gust speed
%maxaverageyest% - Yesterday's max average speed
%maxaverageyestnodir% - Yesterday's max average speed, no direction
%maxaverageyestt% - Time of yesterday's max average speed